Saturday, July 16, 2011

Do you think girls who don't have big butts are worthless?

There are some pretty conceded chicks out there that get all pissed off. A phew months back this girl in the cafeteria came up with he friend and asked me if I like her friends hair. She KNEW that her friends hair looked terrible so she may have been trying to joke with me but it kinda pissed me off cause it was not funny so it was just a waste of time. So I told her why are you asking me about her looks her *** is not juicy so she does not deserve my attention. Some times girls just think that there worth a lot to you when truth be told just because you are an attractive girl doesn't mean you live up to a guys standards. You have to have a nice *** too. Also nice breast. You could have the most pathetic man right next to a hot girl and because of the fact that she has no *** and no **** the guy would not even be interested.

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